62 seconds of Otis spinning a plastic puzzle piece

Our neighbors across the street have a couple of older kids, so there’s usually at least one small pile of stuff on the curb out in front of their houses. I recently spotted a gallon sized zip-lock bag in the pile with a bunch of colorful plastic tiles. There were also a bunch of large rectangular cards in the bag and I recognized the whole set as a kind of tangram-esque puzzle game. Turns out it’s a MightMind kit made by Leisure Learning Products, Inc. (who still, for some reason, sort their toys into boys and girls categories).  Otis loves it. And he’s really good at it too. Once he got through all (or at least most) of the cards, he started making his own designs. Then he started coming up with other things to do with the tiles. Like spinning them. Hear him spin a round tile for a while with the Potsdam Fire siren wailing in the background. “It makes cool sounds,” he notes. Indeed!

BONUS VIDEO! Here’s Otis solving “the house with no chimney”: