226 seconds of blues at CC’s birthday party

Larry got the band back together! Well, I guess they’d already done one gig together earlier this year. But this was still a pretty special occasion! Larry was in a band back when he and Chris first met. Chris used to go to all their gigs and would dance all night. When she decided to […]

75 seconds of slapping and rapping a bell in Worcester city hall

We recently drove down to Massachusetts to help Grandma CC celebrate her 65th birthday. On the way, we stopped at Talyta’s Cafe in downtown Worcester for burritos, which, by the way, were legit and excellent. One problem, though: Talyta didn’t have a bathroom that we could use. So we ran across the street, through the […]

141 seconds of late night pool mayhem

We went down to Doylestown, PA for the funeral a few weeks ago. All of the hotels near town were booked so we ended up staying at the Staybridge Suites in Montgomeryville. We didn’t have a lot of extra time, but Pops pointed out that the hotel had a pool and suggested we bring suits. […]

19 seconds of bullfrogs heard on a run with Otis

Once the weather starts getting nice, Otis and I break out the jogging stroller and hit the trails. After a loop around the Bayside Cemetary, we heard some cool bullfrogs hanging out in the Raquette River. I asked Otis if he thought we should make a recording and he gave me the go ahead. I […]

129 seconds of bar chatter, song selection, and Stella by Starlight

Back in November, Bill asked me if I’d be down for some Thursday night jazz at the now-only-semi-open Buccaneer Lounge. The new UU minister in Canton, it turns out, plays bass and the two of them were looking for some percussion. I told him I had class the next morning so I could jam as […]

60 seconds of tapping on bicycle spokes

Inspired by the late Frank Zappa and a couple of scenes from The Triplets of Belleville (and motivated by Sarah’s then-recent purchase of a Zoom H1), I spun the front wheel of my bike and dragged a stick across the spokes.

60 seconds of birds in Mt. Gambier, South Australia

There are some pretty tremendous birds in Australia. At the holiday park in Anglesea I tried to record some magpies and kookaburras singing at the same time, but it started raining before I could get my phone out. Here instead is the throaty morning song of the some magpies with an occasional squawk from the […]

43 seconds of scary mystery noises [caution: loud]

I found this on my phone. Looking at the filenames in my recordings folder I see that I made just one other recording this night (April 29, 2016), but the two seconds of silence contained therein offer no clues. This recording has a lot more going on. I’m not sure what, but it sounds like […]