26 seconds of back porch fireworks with Leo Kottke

Potsdam Summer Fest happens every year. We go to Potsdam Summer Fest every year. And afterwards, coming home from Potsdam Summer Fest, we wonder aloud as to why we bothered. There are a couple of shitty food trucks. There are the usual gang of local cover bands playing your favorite hits from the 70s, 80s, […]

131 seconds of fireworks over Stockbridge Bowl

We were in Stockbridge for the Fourth of July this year. It was great! The weather was hot and perfect and there was a lot of bustle out on the Bowl. We paddled, swam, played music, drank beer, saw old friends, met new friends… Everything you could hope for. Sarah’s parents went to go see […]

114 seconds of mutual entertainment with weird kid noises

June’s been getting better in the car, but on long trips she still starts getting a little antsy at the end. When we decided to go on a family trip to Burlington for Otis’s birthday, she was just about at the end of her tether by the time we got to the hotel. We decided […]

66 seconds of Stephen/Jerod/Doyle jamming and birth stories

Our friend Jerod is a real go-getter. A while back we heard him playing with Claude and Ola Aldous at Jernabi. On this particular night he was performing at the world-famous Buccaneer Lounge in Canton, NY with Bird and Doyle Dean. I’d had a couple of beers and, since I couldn’t really hear anyone else […]

35 seconds of Juniper struggling to crawl

It’s not easy being a baby. There’s a lot of stuff to learn. And although it’s pretty easy to get Juniper to laugh, she does get understandably frustrated with certain undertakings. Here she is back in March, back when she was first getting up on her hands and knees. (She’s got it down pat now, […]

30 seconds of Sarah and Chris playing ping pong

Sarah’s a monster at ping pong. Well, compared to me at least she is! I remember the first time we played. We were staying at the Karioi Lodge in Raglan, NZ. In between staring at the epic surf, we poked around in the jungle. We found a small shed with a ping-pong table and Sarah […]

80 seconds of campfire chatter at Wellesley Island

Prior to our second (hopefully annual) camping trip to the Saranac Islands, we did a test run with some friends at Wellesley Island. Their son had never been camping before and June hadn’t been in a tent since she was three months old. Our friends went on a camping gear spree in the local Walmart […]

113 seconds of Salt Creek and Juniper yelling

I bought a mandolin a couple years ago on a road trip with Greg to see Brian Wilson in Burlington. We stopped at Dick’s Country Store Gun City & Music OasisĀ (“Groceries, Guns, Gas, Guitars”!) and I mentioned that I’d been meaning to learn how to play the instrument since I’d inherited my grandmother’s several years […]

168 seconds of maritime sound collage at the Canadian Museum of Nature

Occasionally, we will venture up even further north than Potsdam to visit our friendly Canadian neighbors. Up in Ottawa, they have a couple of fun museums that Otis gets more into every time he visits. On our most recent trip to the Canadian Museum of Nature (where Otis was terrorized by a giant, scary octopus), […]